Saturday, January 31, 2015

Winter in Lasalle Park

“I believe the world is incomprehensibly beautiful — an endless prospect of magic and wonder.” - Ansel Adams

Walking the quiet trails of Lasalle Park in Burlington this morning, I was struck by the simple beauty of the woods and of the waterfront area. A layer of fresh snow blanketed everything in white and the air felt crisp and clean.

Approaching the shoreline, the call of waterfowl became increasingly louder. Like a squadron of jet fighters returning from a mission, scores of swans and geese glide in precise formation into the area, joining their noisy comrades on the frozen lake.

It was neat to get off the trail and walk on the lake, a rare and unfamiliar perspective of the shoreline making my visit to a familiar destination new again.

The waterfowl called out warnings as I approached them but with patience, I was able to get very close. I stayed and enjoyed their company but eventually retreated when a large swan decided that I had overstayed my welcome.

A beautiful park made that much more striking with the impact of a fresh snowfall, I look forward to returning again soon to enjoy more magic and wonder.

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