For an easy hike to an amazing destination, consider Tiffany Falls. This hidden gem is easy to get to and is easily one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the area.
According to the City of Waterfalls website,
http://www.cityofwaterfalls.ca/ this waterfall used to be fairly difficult to access during inclement weather conditions, but a new pathway was jointly completed in 2007 by the Hamilton Conservation Authority, the Bruce Trail Iroquoia section, the Rotary Club of Ancaster, and the Trillium Foundation. This new pathway includes two new bridges to cross the creek and a viewing platform.
For me, the cascades in the creek and the high rock that frame the valley make the walk in to the falls very enjoyable as the view continually changes with the seasons.

Tiffany Falls is a 21 metre high (70 foot) cascade waterfall and has water flow all year, increasing in the spring or after a rain.

Tiffany Falls Conservation Area is considered a significant natural area. Its bedrock exposures are considered an Earth Science Area of Regional Significance. The central feature of the conservation area is the two waterfalls within it, Tiffany Falls and Washboard Falls, formed by Tiffany Creek.

The area provides a link between the greenspace corridor along the Niagara Escarpment through the Hamilton urban area, and the extensive natural areas of the Dundas Valley.
The forest area is made up of Eastern Hemlock, Sugar Maple, Red Oak, American Beech, White Ash, Basswood, Black Walnut, Hawthorn, Butternut and White Elm.
The highly significant animal, insect, reptile and plant species found within the conservation area include the Purple Clematis, the Hickory Hairstreak butterfly, the Northern Ringneck Snake and the Louisiana Waterthrush.

On December 7, 2011, I had the privilege of joining Chris Ecklund, the man behind the City of Waterfalls and a group of volunteers as we hiked into the falls with high powered spotlights and temporarily illuminated the falls in blue light. The following pictures were taken that night.

A special thank you to Jeanne Pickles for graciously sharing the following 2 shots.

Tiffany Falls is located at the Tiffany Falls Conservation Area in Ancaster. To get there from Hwy 403 take the Lincoln Alexander Parkway exit and keep to the right to merge onto Rousseaux St. At the ‘T’ intersection turn right onto Wilson St. E. Park at Tiffany Falls Conservation Area and follow the trail to the waterfall.
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