Monday, August 11, 2014

Change, It's Always Good

Over the past few weeks, I've had the opportunity to get out and hike and paddle in some great areas from Lake Erie to Letchworth State Park in New York to my personal favorite mental rejuvenation location; Algonquin Park. On top of the obvious benefit of being immersed in absolutely breathtaking surroundings, these trips also provide ample time for thought and quiet reflection.

Part of my time away I devoted to reflecting on this blog; what works, what I'd like to change and strategizing on how I can shake it up and freshen it up a little. Like the seasons, change keeps things interesting and hopefully a few tweaks will make it a better resource for you as well.

A couple changes to note:

1. A new name. Dundas Valley Outdoors for me is a better reflection of what I'd like to focus on. As kayaking and cycling trips are added into the mix, the common element remains a focus on enjoying the outdoors in this area, regardless of activity.

2. A new look. A green background will represent a focus on our precious environment and my commitment to sustainability and conservation.

3. A new Twitter feed. @DundasOutdoors will feature photos and trail updates as well as related news. I hope to add this feed directly into this blog in the near future.

There are a few more changes in the works so stay tuned. Your suggestions are always welcome and as always, I graciously thank you for your support.

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